Thursday, December 22, 2005

GoogLeee - Cool things you can do with Google.

I have been reading a few things here and there which I found really cool using google. Not to mention that I am big fan of google( as obviously I use Blogger/Gmail/Google Desktop/Google Earth/Google Local and a lot more). Well this is the regular stuff which probably most of us might be using. But here are some other interesting stuff too which I was also not knowing sometime back and which can save sometime. Check this out. All of this courtsey Google Blog

1) Trends:

If you have been using the personalized search history, this feature helps you to see the trends for your search from the past.

2) Track Packages

Will your package arrive in time? Entering a UPS, USPS or Federal Express tracking number into a Google search box will give you an update on your shipment before you can say "overnight shipping."

3) Find Toll-Free Numbers

OK, here's a secret "the man" doesn't want you to know. Some companies have a toll-free number that's buried deep on their website -- but it would take like a thousand clicks to find it, and these days, who has the time? One way to get to it more quickly is to search Google for the company name and the phrase "customer support." Like this: TiVo Customer Support.

An even trickier way to get at hard-to-reach customer support phone numbers is to search for the company name and the standard toll-free prefixes. That'll dig up some real gems. For example, "[company name] 800 OR 877 OR 888 OR 866". Give it a whirl -- and here's to less holiday stress

4) 2005 Year-End Google Zeitgeist

The new search trends on Google. What moved up, what came down and etc etc.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Las Vegas

I believe if there is one place any person coming to US must see is Vegas. Terms like "More", "Excess" seems to lose their relevence there. So after 3 years of being in US I decided to visit Las Vegas and see what "More" really means.

Well the entire trip we planned was for 4 days and 4 nites with one day set aside for Grand Canayon. Based on the my visit to Vegas I think the entire trip can be divided as Hotels, Shows and Casinos(Personal tips for winning at casinos). Then there are some paid shows which offer some of the best artists from all over the world performing live in front of you. This can vary from Celine Dione to some of the best acrobats in the show business. If you are in luck you can get some of these tickets for free. Otherwise you can them for half the price.Click on each of these links for more details about Vegas.